Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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  1. Designated public office holder (DPOH) full name: MIKE LAKE
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Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-50 of 55
    Active Community Living Toronto
    In-house Organization: Brad Saunders, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 18
    Active RESULTS Canada / RESULTATS Canada
    In-house Organization: Christina Dendys, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 41
    Active Easter Seals Canada
    Consultant: Karen Moores, Town Advocacy
    Monthly Communications: 28
    Active National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) / Conseil national des Musulmans Canadiens (CNMC)
    In-house Organization: Stephen Brown, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 209
    Active Cooperation Canada / Coopération Canada
    In-house Organization: Kate Higgins, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 92
    Active ONE Global (Canada)
    In-house Organization: Elise Legault, Canada Director
    Monthly Communications: 22
    Active Easter Seals Canada / Timbres de Pâques Canada
    In-house Organization: David Starrett, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 10
    Active Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) / Fédération canadienne de l’entreprise indépendante (FCEI)
    In-house Organization: Daniel Kelly, PRESIDENT and CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
    Monthly Communications: 172
    In-house Organization: Carole Saab, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 149
    Active Canadian Pacific Railway Company
    In-house Corporation: Keith Creel, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 106
    Active Pathways Alliance Inc.
    In-house Organization: Kendall Dilling, President
    Monthly Communications: 100
    Active Climate Action Network Canada / Reseau Action Climat Canada
    In-house Organization: Caroline Brouillette, Acting Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 80
    In-house Organization: Francis Bradley, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 76
    Active Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness / L’Alliance canadienne pour mettre fin à l’itinérance
    In-house Organization: TIM RICHTER, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 72
    Active Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
    In-house Organization: Timothy Smith, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 70
    Active Canadian Airports Council / Conseil des Aéroports du Canada
    In-house Organization: Monette Pasher, President
    Monthly Communications: 64
    Active The United Church of Canada / L'Eglise Unie du Canada
    In-house Organization: Michael Blair, General Secretary, General Council
    Monthly Communications: 64
    Active Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada / Les Repaires jeunesse du Canada
    In-house Organization: Owen Charters, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 59
    Active ATCO Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Nancy C Southern, Chair & CEO, ATCO Ltd. and Canadian Utilities Limited
    Monthly Communications: 54
    Active HealthCareCAN / SoinsSantéCAN
    In-house Organization: Paul-Émile Cloutier, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Monthly Communications: 49
    Active FortisBC Energy Inc.
    In-house Corporation: Roger Dall'Antonia, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 48
    Active Canadian Mental Health Association
    In-house Organization: Margaret Eaton, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 44
    Active Canadian Egg Marketing Agency COB Egg Farmers of Canada / Office Canadien De Commercialisation Des Oeufs COB Les Producteurs D'Oeufs Du Canada
    In-house Organization: Andrew Black, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 42
    Active Automotive Industries Association of Canada / Association des Industries de l'Automobile du Canada
    In-house Organization: Jean-François Champagne, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 39
    Active Emera Incorporated
    In-house Corporation: Scott Balfour, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 38
    Active Edmonton Global
    In-house Organization: Malcolm Bruce, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 37
    Active Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards Inc. / Prix Humanitaires Terry Fox Inc.
    In-house Organization: Paulina Chow, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 34
    Active Alectra Corporation
    In-house Corporation: Brian Bentz, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 32
    Active Islamic Relief Canada
    In-house Organization: Usama Khan, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 31
    Active Electricity Canada / Electricite Canada
    Consultant: Terrence Toner, Terry Toner Consulting
    Monthly Communications: 29
    Active AltaLink Management Ltd.
    In-house Corporation: Gary Hart, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 26
    In-house Organization: Andy Harrington, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    Monthly Communications: 25
    Active Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence - Azrieli Foundation / Centre canadien d'excellence pour les aidants - fondation Azrieli
    In-house Organization: Liviya Mendelsohn, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 24
    Active Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors) (Member of the organization): Joss Reimer
    Monthly Communications: 23
    Active Nutrition International
    In-house Organization: Joel Spicer, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 20
    Active MS Canada / SP Canada
    In-house Organization: Pamela Valentine, President & CEO
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims
    Consultant: Liam Daly, Sussex Strategy Group
    Monthly Communications: 14
    Active Compassion Canada
    Consultant: Stephanie Mitton, Beacon North Strategies
    Monthly Communications: 12
    Active Canadian Egg Marketing Agency COB Egg Farmers of Canada / Office Canadien De Commercialisation Des Oeufs COB Les Producteurs D'Oeufs Du Canada
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Roger Pelissero
    Monthly Communications: 11
    Active Canadian Airports Council
    Consultant: Emily Gilroy, Crestview Strategy
    Monthly Communications: 9
    Active Children's Healthcare Canada / Pediatric Chairs of Canada
    In-house Organization: Emily Gruenwoldt, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 9
    Active UNICEF Canada
    In-house Organization: Sevaun Palvetzian, President and CEO
    Monthly Communications: 6
    In-house Organization: Helene Sabourin, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO)
    Monthly Communications: 5
    Active Canadian Palliative Hospice Care Assocation / Association canadienne des soins palliatifs
    In-house Organization: Laurel Gillespie, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 5
    Active Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
    Consultant: Cameron Doherty, Crestview Strategy
    Monthly Communications: 3
    Active Children's Healthcare Canada / Santé des enfants Canada
    Consultant: Jon Dugal, Syntax Strategic
    Monthly Communications: 2
    Active Concussion Legacy Foundation (Canada) Inc.
    Consultant: Victoria Jordan, Edelman Global Advisory
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Inactive Federation of Canadian Municipalities / Fédération Canadienne des Municipalitiés
    Consultant (Member of the board of directors): Scott Pearce
    Monthly Communications: 21
    Inactive HealthcareCAN
    Consultant: Elizabeth Campbell, Counsel Public Affairs Inc.
    Monthly Communications: 11
    Inactive Air Line Pilots Association, International (Canada) / Association des Pilotes de Ligne, Internationale (Canada)
    Consultant: Tamara Condie, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Monthly Communications: 5

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