Registry of Lobbyists

12-Month Lobbying Activity Search Results

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Government institution of the DPOH
Government Institutions in Registration Summaries

Search Results for the Last 12 Months

Results: 1-23 of 23
    Active National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) / Conseil national des Musulmans Canadiens (CNMC)
    In-house Organization: Stephen Brown, Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 228
    Active The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs / Le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes
    In-house Organization: SHIMON FOGEL, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Monthly Communications: 179
    Active Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) / Fédération canadienne de l’entreprise indépendante (FCEI)
    In-house Organization: Daniel Kelly, PRESIDENT and CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
    Monthly Communications: 171
    Active Imagine Canada
    In-house Organization: Bruce MacDonald, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 90
    Active The United Church of Canada / L'Eglise Unie du Canada
    In-house Organization: Michael Blair, General Secretary, General Council
    Monthly Communications: 50
    Active McGill University / Université McGill
    In-house Organization: Deep Saini, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Monthly Communications: 47
    Active Islamic Relief Canada
    In-house Organization: Usama Khan, CEO
    Monthly Communications: 31
    Active Inter Pares
    In-house Organization: Samantha McGavin, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 10
    Active Université de Montréal
    In-house Organization: Daniel Jutras, Recteur
    Monthly Communications: 9
    Active The National Coalition Party of Canada (NCPC) / Le Parti de Coalition Nationale du Canada (PCNC)
    In-house Organization: Raphael Louis, Prime Minister Office Liaison Officer
    Monthly Communications: 7
    Active Citizens for Public Justice / Citoyens pour une politique juste
    In-house Organization: Willard Metzger, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 6
    Active Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada
    In-house Organization: Mike Schouten, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 4
    Active Archdiocese of Toronto
    Consultant: Peter Curtis, Pathway Group
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Active Christian Music festival
    Consultant: Jim Karygiannis, GTA Strategies
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Active Justice For All Canada / Justice Pour Tous Canada
    In-house Organization: Taha Ghayyur, Executive Director
    Monthly Communications: 1
    Active Archdiocese of Toronto
    Consultant: Al MacDermid, Pathway Group
    Monthly Communications: 0
    Active Five Rivers Community Services Society
    Consultant: Surinder Sura, S Sura & Associates Ltd
    Monthly Communications: 0
    Active CONCACAN INC. o/a Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) / CONCACAN INC. o/a Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada (CECC)
    In-house Organization: Jean Vézina, General Secretary
    Monthly Communications: 0
    Active Secular Connexion Séculière
    In-house Organization: Doug Thomas, President, Lobbyist
    Monthly Communications: 0
    In-house Organization: David Guretzki, PRESIDENT
    Monthly Communications: 0
    Active Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities (FAAVM) / Association fédérale pour le progres des minorités visibles (AFPMV)
    In-house Organization: Raphael Louis, President/Leader & Chief Executive Officer
    Monthly Communications: 0
    Inactive B'nai Brith Committee for Justice in Canada / le comité pour la justice au Canada - B'nai Brith Canada
    In-house Organization: Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer, B'nai Brith Canada
    Monthly Communications: 41
    Inactive Muslim Association of Canada
    Monthly Communications: 0

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