Registry of Lobbyists

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  1. Lobbyist name (consultant or in-house lobbyist): BATES GIBBS, BONNIE L. OR;
  2. Responsible officer name: BATES GIBBS, BONNIE L.
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Registration (15)
Results: 1-15 | Export
  1. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 19 of 62 (2010-12-16 to 2011-10-12)
    Posted: 2010-12-16
    Subject matter details: 15
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 24
  2. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 16 of 62 (2010-11-03 to 2010-11-03)
    Posted: 2010-11-04
    Subject matter details: 16
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 24
  3. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 17 of 62 (2010-11-03 to 2010-11-03)
    Posted: 2010-11-23
    Subject matter details: 16
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 24
  4. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 18 of 62 (2010-11-03 to 2010-12-16)
    Posted: 2010-11-30
    Subject matter details: 16
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 24
  5. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 15 of 62 (2010-10-06 to 2010-11-03)
    Posted: 2010-10-06
    Subject matter details: 16
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 23
  6. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 14 of 62 (2010-05-17 to 2010-10-06)
    Posted: 2010-07-09
    Subject matter details: 16
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 22
  7. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 13 of 62 (2010-03-01 to 2010-05-17)
    Posted: 2010-05-13
    Subject matter details: 15
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 187
  8. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 12 of 62 (2009-08-14 to 2010-03-01)
    Posted: 2010-03-11
    Subject matter details: 12
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 187
  9. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 11 of 62 (2009-01-01 to 2009-08-14)
    Posted: 2009-08-13
    Subject matter details: 30
    Government institutions: 67
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 190
  10. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 9 of 62 (2008-12-01 to 2008-12-01)
    Posted: 2008-12-10
    Subject matter details: 30
    Government institutions: 67
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 188
  11. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 10 of 62 (2008-12-01 to 2009-01-01)
    Posted: 2008-12-15
    Subject matter details: 30
    Government institutions: 67
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 189
  12. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 8 of 62 (2008-10-01 to 2008-12-01)
    Posted: 2008-11-14
    Subject matter details: 30
    Government institutions: 67
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 188
  13. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 7 of 62 (2008-09-01 to 2008-10-01)
    Posted: 2008-10-20
    Subject matter details: 30
    Government institutions: 67
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 191
  14. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 6 of 62 (2008-08-01 to 2008-09-01)
    Posted: 2008-09-29
    Subject matter details: 29
    Government institutions: 67
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 181
  15. The University of British Columbia
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Stephen Toope, President
    Registration: 5 of 62 (2008-07-02 to 2008-08-01)
    Posted: 2008-08-22
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 67
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 177

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