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Registration (150258)
Results: 1-50 | Export
  1. 1000085952 Ontario Limited
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Kerri Wood, Brookston Consulting Group
    Registration: 4 of 4 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 1
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  2. Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting (CALU)
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: GUY LEGAULT, President & CEO
    Registration: 31 of 31 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 10
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 2
  3. BC Securities Commission
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Joseph Rudolph Damas, Global Public Affairs
    Registration: 1 of 1 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 7
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  4. McDonald's Restaurants of Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Anthony Matar, Crestview Strategy
    Registration: 2 of 2 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 8
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  5. Canadian Cardiovascular Society / Société canadienne de cardiologie
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Carolyn Pullen, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 18 of 18 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 14
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 4
  6. Canadian Teachers' Federation / Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Cassandra Hallett, Executive Director
    Registration: 24 of 24 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 7
    Government institutions: 16
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 2
  7. TELUS Spark Science Centre
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Michael Solberg, New West Public Affairs Inc.
    Registration: 2 of 2 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  8. Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Kumar Murty, Director
    Registration: 14 of 14 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 6
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 1
  9. Northland Power Inc.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Ingrid Ravary-Konopka, Sussex Strategy Group
    Registration: 2 of 2 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 6
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  10. International SOS
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Gordon Quaiattini, Maple Leaf Strategies
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 10
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  11. AF, Aero Future Canada ( AF-C ) Inc. — 2150767
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jim Karygiannis, GTA Strategies
    Registration: 10 of 10 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  12. ADM Dairy Inc.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Bonny Koabel, AKR Consulting Canada Inc.
    Registration: 16 of 16 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 1
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  13. Canadian Airports Council
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jon Robinson, Crestview Strategy
    Registration: 2 of 2 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 20
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  14. National Allied Golf Associations / Alliance nationale des associations de golf
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: James Ball, Impact Public Affairs
    Registration: 1 of 1 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 5
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  15. Newmont Goldcorp North America
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Stephen Yardy, PAA Advisory | Conseils
    Registration: 5 of 5 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 19
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  16. Amex Bank of Canada / Banque Amex du Canada
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Brett Mooney, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 39 of 39 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 6
    Government institutions: 8
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 17
  17. Canadian Shareholder Association for Research and Education
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Kevin Thomas, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 9 of 9 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 7
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 3
  18. Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association / Association canadienne de counseling et psychothérapie
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Kim Hollihan, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 27 of 27 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 16
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 3
  19. Meat & Poultry Ontario
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jim Karygiannis, GTA Strategies
    Registration: 7 of 7 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 1
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  20. Finest Sausage & Meat Ltd
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jim Karygiannis, GTA Strategies
    Registration: 2 of 2 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 1
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  21. D & D Poultry
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jim Karygiannis, GTA Strategies
    Registration: 4 of 4 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 3
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  22. Emera Newfoundland and Labrador
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Norm Dimmell, President and CEO
    Registration: 23 of 23 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 14
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 1
  23. Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors / Transformateurs de volailles et d'oeufs du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Mark Hubert, President & CEO
    Registration: 53 of 53 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 25
    Government institutions: 16
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 4
  24. EXCALIBUR ARMY spot. s.r.o.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Louis Roy, GTDS Inc.
    Registration: 2 of 2 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 2
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  25. Canadian Association of Long Term Care
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Danielle Flieler, Santis Health
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 14
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  26. Canadian Gaming Association
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Paul Burns, President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Registration: 23 of 23 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 7
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 1
    Type: Consultant
    Registration: 19 of 19 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 5
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  28. Canadian International Pharmacy Association
    Type: Consultant
    Registration: 12 of 12 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  29. The Canadian Real Estate Association / l'Association canadienne de l'immeuble
    Type: Consultant
    Member of the board of directors: James Mabey
    Registration: 7 of 7 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 11
    Government institutions: 1
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  30. College of North Atlantic / Collège de l'Atlantique Nord
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Timothy Powers, Summa Strategies Canada Inc
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 11
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
  31. Boston University School of Law
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jim Karygiannis, GTA Strategies
    Registration: 6 of 6 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 2
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Mika Michaelis, President, Labatt Breweries of Canada
    Registration: 27 of 27 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 8
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 5
  33. CAAT Pension Plan / Régime de retraite des CAAT
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Derek Dobson, CEO and Plan Manager
    Registration: 23 of 23 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 9
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 10
  34. WaterPower Canada / Hydroélectricité Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Antoine Bujold, Consilium
    Registration: 9 of 9 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 8
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  35. Philanthropic Foundations Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Jean-Marc Mangin, CEO
    Registration: 7 of 7 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 15
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 1
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: PHIL BOYD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    Registration: 60 of 60 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 27
    Government institutions: 18
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 6
  37. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Beatrice Bruske, PRESIDENT
    Registration: 78 of 78 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 6
    Government institutions: 31
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 9
  38. Ticketmaster Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Daniel Moulton, Crestview Strategy
    Registration: 10 of 10 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  39. The National Coalition Party of Canada (NCPC) / Le Parti de Coalition Nationale du Canada (PCNC)
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Raphael Louis, Prime Minister Office Liaison Officer
    Registration: 17 of 17 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 9
    Government institutions: 63
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 4
  40. Expedia Canada Corp
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Robert Dzielak, President; Chief Legal Officer & Secretary; Director
    Registration: 10 of 10 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 13
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 1
  41. Canadian Wildlife Federation / Fédération canadienne de la faune
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Sean Southey, CEO
    Registration: 50 of 50 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 27
    Government institutions: 22
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 2
  42. Isuarsivik Regional Recovery Centre / Centre régional de rétablissement Isuarsivik
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Philippe-Alexandre Bourgouin
    Registration: 12 of 12 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  43. Vancouver Chinatown Foundation
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Leslie Stojsic
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  44. Cineplex Entertainment LP
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Daniel Moulton, Crestview Strategy
    Registration: 1 of 1 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 11
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  45. Lakeland College
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Alice Wainwright-Stewart, President and CEO
    Registration: 19 of 19 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 9
    Government institutions: 4
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 3
  46. Great Lakes Fishery Commission / La Commission des Pêcheries des Grands Lacs
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Dan Lovell, SUSSEX STRATEGY GROUP
    Registration: 6 of 6 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 8
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  47. Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council (KTC)
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Dennis Burnside, Political Intelligence Inc.
    Registration: 6 of 6 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 15
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  48. Tataskweyak Cree Nation
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: MARK QUINN, Quinn Public Affairs Inc.
    Registration: 4 of 4 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 3
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  49. Ming Pao Daily Newspaper
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jim Karygiannis, GTA Strategies
    Registration: 4 of 4 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 2
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  50. David Suzuki Foundation / Fondation David Suzuki
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Severn Cullis-Suzuki, Executive Director
    Registration: 71 of 71 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 47
    Government institutions: 19
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 8

Monthly communication reports (506)
Results: 1-50 | Export
  1. Imagine Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-12-01
    Posted: 2011-12-01
    Designated public office holders:
    • Jacques Paquette, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    • Taxation and Finance
    • Budget
  2. Canadian Alliance of Student Associations / Alliance canadienne des associations etudiantes
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-11-24
    Posted: 2011-12-05
    Designated public office holders:
    • Daniel Kosick, Policy Advisor, Minister's Office | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Adria Minsky, Director of Policy, Minister's Office | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Education
  3. Canadian Steel Producers Association / L'Association canadienne des producteurs d'acier
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-11-15
    Posted: 2011-12-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Lisa Raitt, Minister of Labour | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Industry
    • Labour
    • Taxation and Finance
    • Transportation
  4. Canadian Steel Producers Association / L'Association canadienne des producteurs d'acier
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-11-14
    Posted: 2011-12-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Chris Alexander, M.P. | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    • Industry
    • International Trade
  5. Forest Products Association of Canada / Association des produits forestiers du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-11-09
    Posted: 2011-11-29
    Designated public office holders:
    • Frank Vermaeten, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Forestry
    • Industry
  6. Federally Regulated Employers - Transportation and Communications (FETCO) / Employeurs des Transports et Communications de Régie Fédérale (ETCRF)
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-11-02
    Posted: 2011-11-11
    Designated public office holders:
    • Lenore Duff, Senior Director, Strategic Policy | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Labour
  7. Food Banks Canada / Banques alimentaires Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-31
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Daniel Kosick, Policy Advisor | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Ryan Greer, Senior Policy Advisor | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Pensions
  8. Enserva
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-27
    Posted: 2011-11-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Adria Minsky, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Energy
    • Immigration
    • Labour
  9. ABC Life Literacy Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Micheline McKay
    Occurred: 2011-10-26
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Adria Minsky, Director of Policy | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  10. Rick Hansen Foundation
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-26
    Posted: 2011-11-14
    Designated public office holders:
    • Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Health
  11. Tourism Industry Association of Canada / L’Association de l’industrie touristique du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-24
    Posted: 2011-11-14
    Designated public office holders:
    • Nancy Greene Raine, Senator, Senate | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Nycole Turmel, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Joyce Murray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Charlie Angus, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Bob Rae, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Scott Simms, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Tyrone Benskin, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance | Finance Canada (FIN)
    • Benoit Violette, Senior Policy Advisor, Minister of State, Science & Technology | Industry Canada
    • Raymond Cote, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Andrew Cash, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Carolyn Bennett, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    Subject matters:
    • Tourism
  12. Polytechnics Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-21
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Daniel Kosick, Policy Advisor, Office of the Minister of HRSDC | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Adria Minsky, Director of Policy, Office of the Minister of HRSDC | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Ann Matejicka, Director of Communications | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  13. Rick Hansen Foundation
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-21
    Posted: 2011-11-14
    Designated public office holders:
    • Jacques Paquette, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Health
  14. Suncor Energy Inc. / Suncor Énergie Inc.
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Occurred: 2011-10-20
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Adria Minsky, Director of Policy for the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Developme | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Energy
    • Labour
  15. Rick Hansen Foundation
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-20
    Posted: 2011-11-14
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ann Matejicka, Chief of Staff | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Health
  16. Vale Canada Limited
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Occurred: 2011-10-19
    Posted: 2011-11-08
    Designated public office holders:
    • Adria Minsky, Senior Policy Advisor | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  17. Rick Hansen Foundation
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-19
    Posted: 2011-12-07
    Designated public office holders:
    • Nancy Milroy-Swainson, Director General | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Nancy Milroy-Swainson, Director General | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Health
  18. Canadian Construction Association / Association canadienne de la construction
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-17
    Posted: 2011-10-19
    Designated public office holders:
    • Adria Minsky, Senior Policy Advisor | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Ann Matejicka, Chief of Staff | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Louis Beausejour, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • The Hon. Diane Finley, Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Education
    • Employment and Training
    • Immigration
    • Labour
    • Small Business
    • Taxation and Finance
    • Budget
  19. Tourism Industry Association of Canada / L’Association de l’industrie touristique du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-17
    Posted: 2011-11-14
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ian Shugart, Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Tourism
  20. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-17
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ian Shugart, Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Labour
  21. Restaurants Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-11
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Hon. Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Hon. Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism | Citizenship and Immigration Canada
    Subject matters:
    • Immigration
    • Labour
  22. Suncor Energy Inc. / Suncor Énergie Inc.
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Occurred: 2011-10-11
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Dianne Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Energy
    • Labour
  23. Imagine Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-07
    Posted: 2011-10-11
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ian Shugart, Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    • Taxation and Finance
    • Budget
  24. TECHNATION Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-07
    Posted: 2011-11-04
    Designated public office holders:
    • Diane Finley, Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  25. Entertainment Software Association of Canada / Association Canadienne du Logiciel de Divertissement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-14
    Designated public office holders:
    • Adria Minsky, Director of Policy, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Immigration
    • Industry
  26. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Carol Hughes, MPs | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  27. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Matthew Dube, NDP- MPs | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  28. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Marie-Claude Morin, NDP-MPs | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  29. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Irene Mathyssen, NDP- MPs | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  30. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Manon Perreault, NDP- MPs | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  31. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Rathika Sitsabaiesan, NDP-MPs | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  32. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Claude Patry, NDP-MPs | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  33. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-10-05
    Posted: 2011-11-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Mike Sullivan, NDP-MPs | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  34. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-09-27
    Posted: 2011-11-03
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ian Shugart, Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Labour
  35. Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du travail du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-09-26
    Posted: 2011-10-18
    Designated public office holders:
    • Alan Sutherland, Assistant Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Labour
  36. Imagine Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-09-21
    Posted: 2011-10-04
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ryan Greer, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Taxation and Finance
    • Budget
  37. Wilfrid Laurier University
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-09-16
    Posted: 2011-10-14
    Designated public office holders:
    • Diane Finley, Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Phil McColeman, MPP | House of Commons
    Subject matters:
    • Education
    • Infrastructure
    • Regional Development
  38. Canadian Physiotherapy Association / Association canadienne de physiotherapie
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-09-08
    Posted: 2011-09-19
    Designated public office holders:
    • Adria Minsky, Director of Policy, Office of the Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Health
  39. Wilfrid Laurier University
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-09-07
    Posted: 2011-10-14
    Designated public office holders:
    • Marian Meinen, Regional Affairs Director, Minister's Office | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Jeremy McIntee, Special Assistnat, Miister's Office | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Education
    • Infrastructure
    • Regional Development
  40. Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada / La Féderation de l'habitation coopérative
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Sandra Graham, The Capital Hill Group Inc.
    Occurred: 2011-08-31
    Posted: 2011-09-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ryan Greer, Director of Policy, Office of the Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Housing
  41. Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada / Fédération de l'habitation coopérative du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-08-31
    Posted: 2011-09-18
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ryan Greer, Senior Policy Advisor, Minister's Office | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Taxation and Finance
    • Housing
  42. Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada / Fédération de l'habitation coopérative du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-08-31
    Posted: 2011-09-18
    Designated public office holders:
    • Daniel Kosick, Policy Advisor, Minister's Office | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Taxation and Finance
    • Housing
  43. Food Banks Canada / Banques alimentaires Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-08-23
    Posted: 2011-09-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Daniel Kosick, Policy Advisor | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Ryan Greer, Senior Policy Advisor | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Taxation and Finance
  44. Citibank Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jeff LeBlanc, Temple Scott Associates Inc.
    Occurred: 2011-08-15
    Posted: 2011-09-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Matthew Senft, Director of Parliamentary Affairs, Office of the Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Consumer Issues
    • Financial Institutions
    • Taxation and Finance
  45. Polytechnics Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-08-03
    Posted: 2011-09-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Ian Shugart, Deputy Minister | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  46. University of Manitoba
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-08-02
    Posted: 2011-09-27
    Designated public office holders:
    • Lisa Raitt, Minister of Labour | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Regional Development
  47. National Association of Federal Retirees / Association nationale des retraités fédéraux
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-07-27
    Posted: 2011-11-03
    Designated public office holders:
    • Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors) | House of Commons
    • Jennifer Olchowy, Director of Stakeholder Relations and Executive Assistant, Office of the Minister of State (Seniors) | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Health
  48. Polytechnics Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-07-26
    Posted: 2011-08-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Daniel Kosick, Policy Advisor, Office of the Minister Human Resources and Skills Development | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    • Adria Minsky, Director of Policy, Office of the Minister Human Resources and Skills Development | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
  49. Colleges and Institutes Canada / Collèges et instituts Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-07-25
    Posted: 2011-08-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Jean-François LaRue, Director General of Labour Market Integration | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Education
    • Employment and Training
  50. Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-07-20
    Posted: 2011-08-04
    Designated public office holders:
    • Bobby Matheson, Directeur général | Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
    Subject matters:
    • Francophonie canadienne
    • Langues officielles

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