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Registration (2524)
Results: 1-50 | Export
  1. Canadian Cardiovascular Society / Société canadienne de cardiologie
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Carolyn Pullen, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 18 of 18 (2024-10-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 14
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 4
  2. Philanthropic Foundations Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Jean-Marc Mangin, CEO
    Registration: 7 of 7 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 15
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 1
  3. Université du Québec
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Alexandre Cloutier, Président
    Registration: 22 of 22 (2024-10-16 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 10
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 4
  4. U15-Group of Canadian Research Universities / U15-Regroupement des universités de recherche du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Chad Gaffield, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 36 of 36 (2024-10-15 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 8
    Government institutions: 24
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 5
  5. Université de Montréal
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Daniel Jutras, Recteur
    Registration: 25 of 25 (2024-10-15 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 8
    Government institutions: 35
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 16
  6. Simon Fraser University
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Joy Johnson, President & Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 41 of 41 (2024-10-15 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 13
    Government institutions: 28
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 6
  7. U15-Group of Canadian Research Universities / U15-Regroupement des universités de recherche du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Chad Gaffield, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 35 of 36 (2024-10-13 to 2024-10-15)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 8
    Government institutions: 24
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 5
  8. University of Guelph
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Charlotte Yates, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 39 of 39 (2024-10-11 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 6
    Government institutions: 30
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 7
  9. University of Victoria
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Kevin Hall, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 58 of 58 (2024-10-10 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-11
    Subject matter details: 14
    Government institutions: 42
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 8
  10. Saskatchewan Polytechnic
    Type: Consultant
    Member of the board of directors: Cari Bode
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2024-10-10 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-11
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 25
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  11. Easter Seals Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Karen Moores, Town Advocacy
    Registration: 32 of 32 (2024-10-08 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 30
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  12. Polytechnique Montréal
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Maud Cohen, Directrice générale
    Registration: 20 of 20 (2024-10-08 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-10
    Subject matter details: 10
    Government institutions: 19
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 9
  13. Cisco Systems Canada Co.
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Shannon Leininger, President
    Registration: 57 of 57 (2024-10-07 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 10
    Government institutions: 38
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 15
  14. Queen's University
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Patrick Deane, Principal and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 80 of 80 (2024-10-07 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-08
    Subject matter details: 10
    Government institutions: 37
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 8
  15. École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Kathy Baig, Directrice générale et Cheffe de la Direction
    Registration: 23 of 23 (2024-10-04 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-08
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 17
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 6
  16. Equinix Inc.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Fernando Minna, The Capital Hill Group
    Registration: 4 of 4 (2024-10-04 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-04
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 146
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  17. Psychedelic Association of Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Karen Moores, Town Advocacy
    Registration: 13 of 13 (2024-10-02 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-07
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 18
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
  18. Saskatchewan Polytechnic
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Mary Donlevy-Konkin, McKercher LLP
    Registration: 20 of 20 (2024-10-02 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-02
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 25
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  19. Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Julia Parsons, Hill & Knowlton
    Registration: 1 of 1 (2024-10-01 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-02
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 20
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  20. HealthCareCAN / SoinsSantéCAN
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Paul-Émile Cloutier, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Registration: 48 of 48 (2024-10-01 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 31
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 5
  21. University of Victoria
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Robin MacLachlan, Summa Strategies Canada
    Registration: 10 of 10 (2024-10-01 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-09
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 10
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  22. Music Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Julian Tabbitt, Crestview Strategy
    Registration: 1 of 1 (2024-09-30 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-08
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 16
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  23. University of Ottawa / Université d'Ottawa
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Jacques Frémont, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 38 of 38 (2024-09-30 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-01
    Subject matter details: 18
    Government institutions: 33
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 9
  24. AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Gaby Bourbara, President
    Registration: 59 of 59 (2024-09-27 to present)
    Posted: 2024-09-27
    Subject matter details: 10
    Government institutions: 28
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 14
  25. Saint Mary's University / SMU
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Robert Summerby-Murray, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 8 of 8 (2024-09-25 to present)
    Posted: 2024-09-26
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 16
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 3
  26. Polytechnique Montréal
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Maud Cohen, Directrice générale
    Registration: 19 of 20 (2024-09-25 to 2024-10-08)
    Posted: 2024-10-08
    Subject matter details: 10
    Government institutions: 19
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 9
  27. Colleges and Institutes Canada / Collèges et instituts Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Pari Johnston, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 67 of 67 (2024-09-23 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 20
    Government institutions: 55
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 13
  28. Music Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Claire Bragg, Crestview Strategy Inc.
    Registration: 1 of 1 (2024-09-23 to present)
    Posted: 2024-09-23
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 17
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  29. Lakehead University
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Gillian Siddall, President and Vice Chancellor
    Registration: 21 of 21 (2024-09-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-01
    Subject matter details: 3
    Government institutions: 18
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 8
  30. RYCOM
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: DAVID ANGUS, The Capital Hill Group Inc.
    Registration: 14 of 14 (2024-09-17 to present)
    Posted: 2024-09-24
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 36
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  31. The Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation / la Fondation canadienne pour l'audit et la responsabilisation
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Shawn Driscoll, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2024-09-16 to 2024-10-01)
    Posted: 2024-10-04
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 12
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  32. The Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation / la Fondation canadienne pour l'audit et la responsabilisation
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Érika Dupuis, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2024-09-16 to 2024-10-01)
    Posted: 2024-10-04
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 13
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  33. The Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation / la Fondation canadienne pour l'audit et la responsabilisation
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Kevin Bosch, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Registration: 4 of 4 (2024-09-16 to 2024-10-01)
    Posted: 2024-10-04
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 13
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  34. The Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation / la Fondation canadienne pour l'audit et la responsabilisation
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Naresh Raghubeer, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Registration: 3 of 3 (2024-09-16 to 2024-10-01)
    Posted: 2024-10-04
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 12
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  35. The Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation / la Fondation canadienne pour l'audit et la responsabilisation
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Don Boudria, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Registration: 4 of 4 (2024-09-16 to 2024-10-04)
    Posted: 2024-10-04
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 13
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
  36. U15-Group of Canadian Research Universities / U15-Regroupement des universités de recherche du Canada
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Chad Gaffield, Chief Executive Officer
    Registration: 34 of 36 (2024-09-13 to 2024-10-13)
    Posted: 2024-09-13
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 24
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 5
  37. Université Laval
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Sophie D'Amours, Rectrice
    Registration: 7 of 7 (2024-09-13 to present)
    Posted: 2024-09-13
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 16
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 9
  38. University of Saskatchewan
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Peter Stoicheff, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 62 of 62 (2024-09-09 to present)
    Posted: 2024-09-09
    Subject matter details: 20
    Government institutions: 45
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 38
  39. Music Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: John O'Leary, Crestview Strategy
    Registration: 4 of 4 (2024-09-05 to present)
    Posted: 2024-09-09
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 17
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  40. University of Manitoba
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Dr. Michael Benarroch, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 65 of 65 (2024-09-04 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-17
    Subject matter details: 8
    Government institutions: 41
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 20
  41. Council of Canadian Innovators
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Karen Moores, Town Advocacy
    Registration: 8 of 8 (2024-09-03 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-07
    Subject matter details: 7
    Government institutions: 13
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
  42. Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Vince Lamanna, President
    Registration: 20 of 20 (2024-09-02 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-09
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 20
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 2
  43. Amazon Web Services Canada, Inc.
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Responsible officer: Eric Gales, President
    Registration: 28 of 28 (2024-09-01 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-15
    Subject matter details: 5
    Government institutions: 35
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: No
    Employees who lobby: 3
  44. HealthCareCAN / SoinsSantéCAN
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Paul-Émile Cloutier, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Registration: 47 of 48 (2024-09-01 to 2024-10-01)
    Posted: 2024-09-13
    Subject matter details: 20
    Government institutions: 31
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 5
  45. University of Alberta
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Bill Flanagan, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 134 of 134 (2024-08-30 to present)
    Posted: 2024-10-16
    Subject matter details: 14
    Government institutions: 45
    Communication techniques: 3
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 35
  46. University of Guelph
    Type: In-house Organization
    Responsible officer: Charlotte Yates, President and Vice-Chancellor
    Registration: 38 of 39 (2024-08-30 to 2024-10-11)
    Posted: 2024-08-30
    Subject matter details: 6
    Government institutions: 30
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes
    Employees who lobby: 7
  47. Renewable Industries Canada / Industries Renouvelables Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Ryan Jamula, PAA Advisory / PAA Conseils
    Registration: 2 of 2 (2024-08-29 to 2024-09-19)
    Posted: 2024-08-30
    Subject matter details: 4
    Government institutions: 16
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  48. Cavanagh Concrete Ltd.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jennifer Harnden, Kit Public Affairs Inc.
    Registration: 2 of 2 (2024-08-29 to present)
    Posted: 2024-08-29
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 7
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  49. Cavanagh Concrete Ltd.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Jennifer Harnden, Kit Public Affairs Inc.
    Registration: 1 of 2 (2024-08-28 to 2024-08-29)
    Posted: 2024-08-28
    Subject matter details: 1
    Government institutions: 7
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: No
  50. The Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation / la Fondation canadienne pour l'audit et la responsabilisation
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Érika Dupuis, Sandstone Group / Groupe Sandstone
    Registration: 2 of 3 (2024-08-26 to 2024-09-16)
    Posted: 2024-09-04
    Subject matter details: 2
    Government institutions: 13
    Communication techniques: 2
    Government funding: Yes

Monthly communication reports (24)
Results: 1-24 | Export
  1. CMC-Canada
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Zoie Sutherland, First Lake Solutions
    Occurred: 2024-07-08
    Posted: 2024-07-08
    Designated public office holders:
    • Margherita Finn, Director, Procurement Inquiries and Reviews | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Occurred: 2022-05-17
    Posted: 2022-06-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Colin Deacon, Senator | Senate of Canada
    • Majid Jowhari, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Paul Thompson, Deputy Minister | Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
    • Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Tourism and Associate Minister of Finance | Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Arielle Kayabaga, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Cheryl Cardinal, Director of Indigenous Policy and Procurement, Office of the Minister | Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
  3. Supplier Diversity Alliance Canada (SDAC)
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Bryan Detchou, Crestview Strategy
    Occurred: 2021-07-26
    Posted: 2021-11-29
    Designated public office holders:
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Randall Garrison, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Francis Drouin, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Gord Johns, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Matthew Green, MP | House of Commons
    • Joshua Bragg, Senior Advisor | Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)
    • Karina Rolland, Manager (OLO) | House of Commons
    • Harry Burton, Policy Advisor, Minister's Office | Women and Gender Equality (WAGE)
    • Kelly McCauley, MP | House of Commons
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
  4. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2021-04-08
    Posted: 2021-05-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Todd Doherty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Tristan Laycock, Legislative Assistant | Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
    • Boyan Gerasimov, Director of Policy | Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  5. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2021-03-26
    Posted: 2021-04-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Boyan Gerasimov, Director of Policy | Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
    • Tristan Laycock, Legislative Assistant | Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
    • Todd Doherty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  6. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2021-03-16
    Posted: 2021-04-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Boyan Gerasimov, Director of Policy | Transport Canada (TC)
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Todd Doherty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Tristan Laycock, Legislative Assistant | Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  7. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2021-02-04
    Posted: 2021-03-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Todd Doherty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  8. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2021-01-13
    Posted: 2021-01-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Todd Doherty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  9. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2020-12-10
    Posted: 2020-12-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Todd Doherty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  10. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2020-12-09
    Posted: 2020-12-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Todd Doherty, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  11. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2020-10-09
    Posted: 2020-11-05
    Designated public office holders:
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Education
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Justice and Law Enforcement
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
    • Research and Development
  12. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2020-10-01
    Posted: 2020-11-05
    Designated public office holders:
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  13. Supply Chain Management Association / Association de la Gestion de la Chaîne d’Approvisionnement
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2020-09-30
    Posted: 2020-10-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Tracy Gray, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • David Rabinovitch, Deputy Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    • Warren Steinley, Member of Parliament | House of Commons
    Subject matters:
    • Employment and Training
    • Government Procurement
    • Health
    • Industry
    • Infrastructure
    • Internal Trade
    • International Trade
    • Transportation
    • National Security/Security
  14. Printers Plus
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Sharon Chamberlain, Edelman
    Occurred: 2019-01-31
    Posted: 2019-02-06
    Designated public office holders:
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman, Office of the Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
  15. Palo Alto Networks Inc.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Julian Ringuelet, Capital Hill Group / Groupe Capital Hill
    Occurred: 2019-01-17
    Posted: 2019-02-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Alexander Jeglic, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    • Industry
  16. Zayo Canada Inc.
    Type: In-house Corporation
    Occurred: 2018-02-09
    Posted: 2018-03-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Lorenzo leraci, Interim Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    • Margherita Finn, A/Director, Procurement Inquiries & Reviews | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Telecommunications
  17. Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) / Fédération canadienne de l’entreprise indépendante (FCEI)
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2017-12-06
    Posted: 2018-01-12
    Designated public office holders:
    • Sherra Profit, Taxpayer's Ombudsam, Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Small Business
    • Taxation and Finance
  18. Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) / Fédération canadienne de l’entreprise indépendante (FCEI)
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-11-01
    Posted: 2011-12-15
    Designated public office holders:
    • Frank Brunetta, Procurement Ombudsman, Office of the Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    • Small Business
  19. Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) / Fédération canadienne de l’entreprise indépendante (FCEI)
    Type: In-house Organization
    Occurred: 2011-02-28
    Posted: 2011-03-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Frank Brunetta, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    • Small Business
  20. The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario
    Type: Consultant
    Occurred: 2010-06-03
    Posted: 2010-07-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Shahid Minto, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
  21. Point Hope Maritime Ltd.
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: David Reid, Marine Technology Management Ltd.
    Occurred: 2009-11-03
    Posted: 2009-12-02
    Designated public office holders:
    • Shahid Minto, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
  22. CABiNET
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: Serge Alexandre Buy, Flagship Solutions
    Occurred: 2009-10-26
    Posted: 2009-11-12
    Designated public office holders:
    • Shahid Minto, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    • Small Business
  23. The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: BRENDAN HAWLEY, self-employed
    Occurred: 2009-07-07
    Posted: 2009-08-17
    Designated public office holders:
    • Shahid Minto, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Procurement Practice Review
  24. The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario
    Type: Consultant
    Lobbyist: BRENDAN HAWLEY, self-employed
    Occurred: 2008-09-17
    Posted: 2008-10-16
    Designated public office holders:
    • Shahid Minto, Procurement Ombudsman | Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO)
    Subject matters:
    • Government Procurement
    • Procurement Practice Review

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